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martes, 8 de marzo de 2016

Edzna Archeological Zone:

 Casa de los Itzaes, es una de las ciudades mayas más interesantes por los adelantos tecnológicos que muestra. Cuenta con numerosos edificios religiosos, administrativos y habitacionales los cuales muestran rasgos arquitectónicos de los estilos Puuc y Chenes.


El significado de Tukulná es “la casa del pensamiento” y es aquí en donde podrás encontrar todo tipo de artesanías típicas de la región. Desde sus hamacas conocidas a nivel mundial, vestidos típicos conocidos como hipiles, el sombrero de jipi, accesorios de hueso y cuerno de toro, entre muchos más. Además se ubica en una construcción que data del siglo XVIII reconstruyéndose en 1993.


 Built in the late eighteenth century for fear of being attacked by pirates, it is a significant monument of military architecture of the city. The quadrangular building has two bridges, two small bastions, the guardroom, the accommodations for the troops, warehouses and kitchen. Until the mid-twentieth century, it was used as a dwelling unit for the federal army, and after 10 years of neglect was reopened as a museum.


 Campeche is a baroque Spanish American urban model and its historic center has been declared a World Heritage Site. Walking through its streets and see just flip the view beautiful facades, impressive majestic gates and windows. Among the monuments to visit are: the 6th House, Mansion Carvajal, Francisco de Paula Toro Theater, City Hall, the Cathedral and several others, without forgetting the XVI century square.


 Construction of the eighteenth century, which is an example of military architecture developed in America to fortify the Spanish colonies. Currently inside houses the Museum of Ships and Weapons, which shows a variety of pieces related to trade, military and religion during the colonial period in Campeche, as well as a collection of ships used by the Navy of Mexico in mid the twentieth century.